Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Grocery Cart Mayhem and Cub Scouts-

My apologies, my poor blog has been neglected recently. The neglect stems strictly from the lack of interesting things going on around here!

Two weeks ago the boys went to my sister Aimee's house in Oakland and stayed for the weekend with her and her boyfriend Alpha. They had a great time at the Oakland Zoo, Fairytale Town and the beach. I wish I had gone! Matt and I stayed home...we were supposed to have a great "date" weekend...somehow these weekends are built up and full of pressure and are never what you expected! The weekend for us was not so great, for the boys however; awesome!

Since then we have been busy with school, homework and other normalcy's of child-rearing! Doctors have been set up for the boys and their first visits went well, Austin has to be seen by an ENT specialist for his ears/throat issues...but we expected that.

This past weekend was really nice! Friday my mom came up and spent the day with us. We went out to an adorable restaurant downtown for lunch and then picked up Austin, grabbed some frozen yogurt and hit the grocery store for stuff to make homemade pizzas for dinner.

The grocery store experience was traumatizingly horrific and hilarious all at once. First of all, my mom is not used to having two very rambunctious boys shopping with her. She was asking me why I didn't know where anything was in the store, but a little bit later she says, "no wonder you don't know where anything is, you walk around constantly putting things back on shelves, and chasing kids that you run in circles all over the place!". I just laughed, that is my life!

Soon the event took a turn for the worse. I NEVER allow Austin to ride on the bottom of the cart, I just don't. This time he jumped down there and I told him to get off or he is going to get his hands run over... he promised however to not put his hands on the ground. I was too tired to stick to my guns...so off we went. I should know better and trusted my instinct.

Halfway through the store my mom was pushing the cart when Austin let out this blood curdling scream. YEP... I knew this was going to happen!
No...his hand didn't get run over, he stuck his thumb in the wheel of the cart and then it jammed between the metal and the wheel. My mom thought the cart wheel was getting stuck, so she just kept pushing harder... jamming the thumb further into the wheel. (My poor Mother felt horrible!)

By the time I figured out what was going on...it was bad!!!
I backed the cart up and pulled his thumb out, once he was loose of the cart...the boy went INSANE! I mean, certifiably insane.
He screamed, cried, ran, jumped, threw himself on the floor....freaked out! Holding his thumb so hard to try to relieve the pain and running around in circles, screaming; I couldn't look at it at all.

Attention shoppers: Full blown psychotic episode on Aisle 12!

Finally we managed to talk the boy down. We got some ice and continued calming him while people turned down our aisle, saw the chaos and turned right around!

His thumb is fine! It swelled up, looked bad and was painful for a day or so...but now there are no complaints! The blisters have almost all gone away by now and he is now fully using it!
No wonder I don't know where anything is in the store!

On to Saturday! This day was spent working on Austins Derby car. He joined Cub Scouts last week and has his first pinewood derby race next weekend! Matt is thoroughly enjoying "helping" Austin on his car! Right now you can see your reflection the car is so shiny!

We decided to try a new church this weekend. I know I spoke really highly of the church we had been going to earlier in a post...and that church is really great. However; Matt and I began to yearn for a little more biblical teaching, so we headed off to try a new church this weekend. This one is smaller and we really enjoyed it. We were invited to a Superbowl party by a very nice couple at church, so we headed off to their house later in the day to watch the game. We had a great time watching, talking and eating yummy food!

Last night was Austin's first Cub Scout meeting! He was SO cute all dressed in his uniform. It was fun to get to meet other parents and see what this scouting thing is all about! I'm excited for it; not just for Austin but for Matt and I as well. We met really great people last night and I look forward to getting to know people in our town!

Is it bad that I put my kid's in extra-curricular activities so that I can meet people? I swear that's not the only reason...Matt wants to meet people too!
Ohh-and Austin was beside himself happy when we told him about all the awesome things he gets to do in Scouts!!!

It's a Win-Win!

1 comment:

  1. Ouch!!! I'm still cringing from reading that story, although I have to admit I was giggling at the imagery of all hell breaking loose in the middle of the grocery store. Poor kid!

    I completely agree with what you said about "date" weekends...too much importance is placed upon them, and sometimes they end up being a flop. The best alone time is the kind that hits you spontaneously, 'cause then there's no pressure.

    I hope this new church works out for you guys!

    P.S. I just read the thumb incident outloud to Clint, and he was cracking up by the time I got to the line "Attention shoppers: Full blown psychotic episode in aisle 12."
