Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Duct tape and the Derby!

Happy Valentines Day!

This past weekend Jim and Lori came to visit for the first time and we had a great time with them! We ate at some really good restaurants and enjoyed hanging out and visiting.

Saturday they came with us to Austin's Pine Car Derby for his Cub Scouts! This is the first time we have done Cub Scouts, and the first event Austin has taken place in.

Matt and Austin worked hard on his car. We signed him up about a week before the derby, so they had limited time to perfect the car.

And well...lets just say they could have used some more time...not with the looks of the car, Heavens No! The car looked amazing, so I guess that makes up for the fact that the car didn't run down the track!

The car was made with weights on the bottom, that Matt had routed out to fit flush and it was looking really good. Until he went to put the wheels on...the little slots for the wheels broke out when he nailed them in. So he had to drill new wheel holes higher than the original ones. We thought that it would leave enough room to not drag on the track..but we were wrong!

Before the race Matt looked nervous about the car. I was joking with him and said, "Wouldn't it be funny if when they get to Austin's car; it breaks apart and they stop the race and pick the car up and say over the mic, "Who's car is this" and everyone looks around and you have to go up there and get it....hahahahaha!" We laughed and he agreed that that would suck so much.

Well...20 minutes later...it really did suck so much! I was laughing hysterically as Matt slowly went up to the stage in front of about 100 people as they held his car high for all to see! The "race officials" gave him 1 minute to fix it; they (Matt and about 10 other Dad's who went off to watch) went over to the "pit" to try to fix it. He ended up taking the bottom weight off of the car and duct taping it onto the top!

And back to the track it went.. This time it ran down the track, just really slowly! Thankfully Austin didn't care and was having fun anyways!

They had given the time for the Derby to be from 3pm-7pm. But I thought, yeah right...we will race and go, there's no way we will be there for 4 hours! Little did I know, they trapped us! They did all the preliminary races, served dinner (spaghetti and A-mazing garlic bread) and then did the finals and the awards.

Ohh, and they did a duct tape wallet station! (that tape really comes in handy!) They didn't have pink duct tape (pshh..boys like pink!) so I didn't make a wallet. I have Hello Kitty duct tape, so I'll have to make one ! But both our boys made yellow wallets!

All of the boys were awarded a certificate for participating. They called each boy up and presented it to him. There were only about 4-6 boys left and Austin hadn't been called yet. I thought they had skipped him when they announced they were now going to give the awards for Best of Show.

YES!!!!! The car doesn't need to roll down the track to win... It just needs to have a Rockin' paint job, that makes it look fast sitting still!!!

Thank goodness the voting for Best of Show for each den happened before the race and subsequent duct taping!

Austin won Best of Show for his car! I was laughing so much...the new kid with the broken, duct taped car, won anyway!!!

It turned out to be a really fun evening, albeit long!

Throughout the night Matt never ceased to amaze me...he managed to spill an entire cup of lemonade at the entrance to the gym, get called out on loud speaker for eating dessert before dinner(seriously, he was standing at the table loading up on mini cupcakes when someone got on the mic and said "there will be no surprise desserts after dinner, if you choose to eat them now, they will be gone!) And then he fell off of the picnic-style seating...all before he graciously claimed his broken car and fixed it with duct tape!!!

But our Boy won Best of Show!! (And I'm still madly in love with his silly Daddy!)

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